samedi, 27 juillet 2024
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ANIS NACCACHE - revolutionary or terrorist ?

documentary,video, color, 52' et 45' - 2000



naccache_02.jpgThis is the story of Anis Naccache, a young Lebanese activist for the palestinian Fatah organisation. In 1975 he leads with Carlos the Jackal a raid on an Opec meeting in Vienna, taking hostage 11 oil ministers. He later converts to Khomeiny's Islamic Revolution and leaves in 1980 for Paris, trying to assassinate Chapur Bakhtiar, the last prime minister of the Shah. He is arrested but later on used as a barter object by François Mitterrand negotiating with Iran while a serie of bomb attacks shatters the French capital in the mid-eighties. He now lives as a business man between Tehran and Beyrouth...

The story of Anis Naccache is representative of the struggle of a generation that has been defeated since. It tells how the vaguely socialist and secular Third World movement of the sixties and seventies in the Mid-East slowly switched to the political Islam of the eighties that is still active today.




Anis Naccache, revolutionary or terrorist? For the first time this devoted agent of political violence relates his life and explains himself… An extraordinary account which throws light on an unknown page of history. A surprising explanation without excuses nor regrets. Anis Naccache does not tell everything, he does not even clarify the reason why he talks today. Whom is he addressing ?

Le Monde, 25/11/2000


Telling the complicated story of this Lebanese activist of the Fatah movement and later "Iranian" terrorist, this remarkable portrait recapitulates the complex history of the Middle East in an original and astute way. It asks once more the question about the future of revolutionary ideologies, especially those of the sixties and seventies, so far away, so close…

Le Figaro, 29/11/2000



Roland Dumas (French Minister of Foreign Affairs)
I told Mitterand: we must release Naccache. The President was opposed to it. As was the Minister of Justice, Badinter.
"These people are black like ravens". That was the way he put it...





  Anis Naccache, Hani El Hassan, Samir Abou Ghazaleh as Haj Talal,
    Youssef Daher, Mohammed Sadek Hussein, Antoine Comte
    Roland Dumas, Edith Heller, Enis Al-Attar
  Timon Koulmasis and Gilles du Jonchay
  Timon Koulmasis
  Timon Koulmasis
  Mouhab Chane-Saz, Joël Flescher, Pierre Picq
  Aurique Delannoy
music   Timon Koulmasis
  Xavier Carniaux



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